Story: Into the Forest I Go
Written By: Bo Yeon Kim & Erika Lippoldt
Faced with the Klingons heading towards Pahvo, the Discovery is ordered back to the fleet at Starbase 46. Lorca decides to try and avoid that if at all possible, hoping to defend Pahvo and take down the Klingons and figure out their cloaking tech once and for all. He concocts a plan for Burnham and Tyler beam aboard the Klingon Ship of the Dead to planet some sensors...and then have Stamets make 133 micro jumps in a row, while Saru collects data on the cloak. It's a crazy plan!
While on the Ship of the Dead, Tyler sees L'Rell and goes into PTSD shock, and Burnham must plant the second sensor, on the bridge, herself. Once there she ends up distracting Kol from firing upon the Discovery while it completes its mission by facing him in hand to hand combat, getting a bit of closure for herself about Georgiou along the way. The mission is a success, and they destroy the Ship of the Dead and Kol with it, rescuing Admiral Cornwall in the process, with L'Rell jumping onto Tyler in order to be taken aboard Discovery. This key point leads to a major tease in this episode, Tyler confronts L'Rell in the brig, and she cryptically tells him she always keep him safe, and "soon." Is he a sleeper agent? Are the theories that Tyler is actually Voq true? Most likely! Still fun!
The side effects Stamets has begun to experience with the Spore Drive really take their toll on him in the 133 jumps, and he nearly dies as a result. Nevertheless, he agrees to do one last jump, a true final one, in order to get the ship out of dangers way faster and back to Starbase 46. Lorca, always the shady son of a bitch, puts in some secret command before he makes that jump...and it has a major ill effect on Stamets, and puts the ship in some new place, very probably a parallel universe of some kind...where are they? What is to come next?
I rather liked the mid-season finale...or the end of "Chapter One" as the production seems to be calling it. It tied up some elements, teased new ones to come, and left me with a definite interest in where things are to go. I have some theories, but I don't really know just yet, and that is rather fun. This show isn't perfect, it definitely has some flaws...and it isn't necessarily what I thought I wanted, but it has, for the most part, kept me engrossed, kept me wanting to see how it turns out. And there is always hope that they can build on that, develop their characters a bit more, and really make something great out of this. Or they could screw it all up. We shall see!
NEXT TIME: Where Are They?
Written By: Bo Yeon Kim & Erika Lippoldt
Series: Star Trek: Discovery
Year: 2017Faced with the Klingons heading towards Pahvo, the Discovery is ordered back to the fleet at Starbase 46. Lorca decides to try and avoid that if at all possible, hoping to defend Pahvo and take down the Klingons and figure out their cloaking tech once and for all. He concocts a plan for Burnham and Tyler beam aboard the Klingon Ship of the Dead to planet some sensors...and then have Stamets make 133 micro jumps in a row, while Saru collects data on the cloak. It's a crazy plan!
While on the Ship of the Dead, Tyler sees L'Rell and goes into PTSD shock, and Burnham must plant the second sensor, on the bridge, herself. Once there she ends up distracting Kol from firing upon the Discovery while it completes its mission by facing him in hand to hand combat, getting a bit of closure for herself about Georgiou along the way. The mission is a success, and they destroy the Ship of the Dead and Kol with it, rescuing Admiral Cornwall in the process, with L'Rell jumping onto Tyler in order to be taken aboard Discovery. This key point leads to a major tease in this episode, Tyler confronts L'Rell in the brig, and she cryptically tells him she always keep him safe, and "soon." Is he a sleeper agent? Are the theories that Tyler is actually Voq true? Most likely! Still fun!
The side effects Stamets has begun to experience with the Spore Drive really take their toll on him in the 133 jumps, and he nearly dies as a result. Nevertheless, he agrees to do one last jump, a true final one, in order to get the ship out of dangers way faster and back to Starbase 46. Lorca, always the shady son of a bitch, puts in some secret command before he makes that jump...and it has a major ill effect on Stamets, and puts the ship in some new place, very probably a parallel universe of some kind...where are they? What is to come next?
I rather liked the mid-season finale...or the end of "Chapter One" as the production seems to be calling it. It tied up some elements, teased new ones to come, and left me with a definite interest in where things are to go. I have some theories, but I don't really know just yet, and that is rather fun. This show isn't perfect, it definitely has some flaws...and it isn't necessarily what I thought I wanted, but it has, for the most part, kept me engrossed, kept me wanting to see how it turns out. And there is always hope that they can build on that, develop their characters a bit more, and really make something great out of this. Or they could screw it all up. We shall see!
NEXT TIME: Where Are They?