
Story: Runaway
Written By: Jenny Lumet & Alex Kurtzman
Series: Star Trek: Short Treks
Year: 2018

And Discovery is back! Sort of! In a new venture for the franchise, CBS decided that in addition to a brand new season of the show, they are also going to have a short run of mini-episodes. In the months leading up to the premiere of the show proper, we are getting four short films based on the series.  The first centers on Ensign Tilly as she encounters an intruder on the ship, and how she deals with this unexpected guest.  
It is actually a pretty solid Trek story for being only around 15 minutes long.  Tilly is a good character, and she gets a moment to shine here.  Tilly meets a young alien in the mess hall, and at first I was getting ready for this to be action schlock garbage.  The alien seemed antagonistic...was cloaking herself like the Predator and dripping glowing blood in a way that reminded me of the movie "Alien."  But then the episode shifts gears in classic Trek fashion...she isn't a villain or nefarious in any way.  She is just a kid who ran away from home.  A home that just recently discovered Warp speed.  And she discovered it. It gives Tilly a moment to look past her own doubts about the Command program that she's recently joined, doubts that are instilled by an overbearing mother, and it feels decidedly like a Trek concept.  

It isn't a deep episode.  It's short and to the point.  But it gives me some hope for the coming new season of Trek.  Maybe instead of WAR! LASERS! ACTION! DEATH! we will actually get some god ol' fashioned Trek themes.  I'd like that.  I enjoyed the first season of Discovery, but that was mostly in spite of it's darker tone, not because of it.  I saw potential in some of the ideas it was sort of dancing around and in some of it's characters.  This story feels like a Trek story.  If they can improve some of the lamer design elements (like the awful awful Discovery uniforms) and start to tell stories like this?  Stories that aren't about good vs. evil or bad guys and fighting...but tell stories that are about hope and humanity and learning from people who are different?  That would be what I'd call a Star Trek.  

Oh man and they are going to bring back Picard in his own show soon.  This short gives me hope even for that! 

