Finding Connections

Story: Forget Me Not
Written By: Bo Yeon Kim & Erika Lippoldt
Series: Star Trek: Discovery
Year: 2020   

Discovery heads to the Trill honeworld to see if they can find any help in recovering the memories of the Symbiont in Adira. While Michael and Adira head down to the planet, the crew is struggling with their current situation...stress levels are through the roof. The crew agreed in haste to join Burnham, but now they face the consequences of that decision. 
On the planet Adira and Michael find that Trill is not exactly what it used to be. They aren’t post apocalyptic, but they suffered many losses during the Burn, and they are now left with far fewer Trills that are even able to be joined. The idea of a human joining when so many on their planet wish to join and cannot is difficult for them to accept. Luckily one guy believes that Adira could be some sort of answer for them, so against the council’s wishes he takes them to the pool where the Symbiont’s come from. Adira is sucked under and seemingly lost, but they give Michael some way to dive under there and join her...and they are in some sort of mystical brain place. 

Adira’s backstory gets revealed, they had a boyfriend who was Trill (Gray, the first trans character in Trek), but when Grey is killed in an explosion Adira took on the synbiont to keep their boyfriend alive in some way. But now that they’ve co fronted this painful memory, Adira is able to remember all the previous hosts. All is well and the Trill Council is actually quite pleased with this outcome. As a snag, Adira may have all their memories back (at least mostly), but it seems they are now seeing Gray always. Oh and she does have the coordinates for where Starfleet might be.

On the ship Saru tries to get everyone feeling better, try to get them to feel connected to this new reality they find themselves in. His initial attempt is a dinner which goes disastrously. Then the computer starts acting weird but gives him a suggestion that they jus watch Buster Keaton movies. This seems to break the tension and people start to heal. I think this story sort of works. I still feel like the bulk of this Bridge Crew feel like glorified extras...but at least there seems to be an attempt to start rectifying that. It can also be noted that the ship acting weird may be from that Sphere the ship may becoming sentient?

NEXT TIME: Finding Starfleet
