Story: Monsters
Written By: Jane Maggs
Series: Star Trek: Picard
Year: 2022
Series: Star Trek: Picard
Year: 2022
Laris or Talin or whoever she is goes inside Picard's mind. In his mind he is seeing some psychologist who it turns out is actual a visage of his own father. We learn through some dreamy ways that Picard long thought his dad was abusive, but it turns out his mom was just mentally ill. These are also problems that would long be eradicated in the happy future of Star Trek, but this isn't Star Trek ,it is Generic Space Drama #122. Anyhow, characters aren't characters unless they are troubled by one calamity in their past that fully defines them. Picard is able to learn this truth about his past and wake up.
Meanwhile, Seven and Raffi head to La Sirena to try and find Jurati but soon discover they are locked out of many ship systems. They find out that Jurati locked them out, is merged with the Borg Queen and is wandering somewhere out in the world, likely about to cause some major creating her own new Borg army with no one to stop them. Oh and Rios decides to come fully clean to his lady doctor friend and her son, and just beams them onto the ship for some reason. I dunno it's like one scene that has no affect on the rest of the episode.
Picard determines from the lessons he is learning in his mind that perhaps Q's lesson this time isn't as clear cut as "know thyself" but more about Q needing to learn his own self or something. He returns to Guinan to try and get help summoning a Q but it doesn't work...and some random guy walks into the bar and arrests them because he found security footage of Picard beaming outside the bar once.
I would say I didn't hate this episode as much as previous episodes this season, but I do hate this whole Picard family trauma. It feels off for the universe of Trek I so loved in the TNG era. Oh how I miss the TNG era. It's gone and shall never return, but at least it still exists on blu-ray and DVD!
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