The Battle for Data's Mind

Story: Surrender
Written By: Matt Okumura
Series: Star Trek: Picard
Year: 2023

Vadic has the ship, and promises to kill one member of the bridge crew every ten minutes is Jack Crusher doesn't surrender himself.  It's a pretty generic action scenario. anyhow, Jack wants to go up there and save lives but Picard and Beverly both know that the consequences of that could be far greater than even the crew of the Titan, so they try to dissuade him.  They dcide their only option to take over the ship is to remove the partition in Data's mind, and hope that Data can beat Lore and he can take over the ship.  And that plan works.  
Honestly that is most of the episode.  Data has an internal struggle which seems very much like Data is just giving in and giving all his memories to Lore to be destroyed, but as it turns out, Data is using the memories to overpower Lore, to turn him into Data...and it works.  He is able to over take Lore and get full control of the new android body.  He is also a brand new sort of Data, who has humor and contractions and is a tad potty mouthed like everyone else in new Trek.  

He is able to gain full control of the ship, and then they shoot Vadic and all her minions into space, and then blow up her ship.  The day is won.  I suppose there is also the little story of Riker and Troi coming to terms with their grief over their son and seem to sort out their personal issues which weren't really present in season 1 of this show but apparently there has been a rift between them for some time.  Sure why not.  It doesn't matter it's already solved so...they are rescued by Worf.

The big scene of this episode, at least in terms of nostalgia strings, is having the full crew reunited and gathered around an observation lounge table again. That was what TNG was all about!  This crew around a big table discussing strategies and plans for whatever problem they faced.  I should rewatch TNG...this show is like a shadow of that great show.  

It is decided that Crusher's weird visions and newfound ability to perform telekinesis needs to be explored and quick...because whatever the changelings are plotting is for Fronteir Day and it is fast approaching. So Troi decides she needs to go into his mind, and prompt him to go through the red door, a door in his mind he is absolutely terrified of.  What is beyond that door I wonder?  Tune in next week. Same Trek Time. Same Trek Streaming Service.

NEXT TIME: What is Jack Crusher?
