Star Trek: The Animated Series – The Whole Series Recap

While it technically had two seasons, the series is short and is pretty much just one long season (the second season was only 6 episodes), so I am treating it as only one season.

The show is good. It isn’t the best bunch of stories I’ve ever seen, it doesn’t have the best animation at all…but at any rate it is kind of enjoyable in a weird kind of way. Having most of the original cast helps. I think the stories are actually BETTER upon re-watching. The only complaint I have beyond the limited animation would be the bad a repetitive musical score. The new characters added to the cast are pretty decent, if not a little too weird.

Is the show canon? If we go by Roddenberry’s standards then no. I don’t go by Roddenberry. The guy created Star Trek, he deserves his credit, but in the later years, when he made TNG a boring copy of the original, and he was passing judgment on everything people were doing in his franchise, I feel like he lost his touch. For my money, the show is canon. I like it, and it doesn’t do anything so wrong that you couldn’t fit it into canon easily; and certainly nothing that “Voyager” didn’t later do worse.

So here’s to the Animated Series, the first attempt in a long line of trying to keep Trek alive.

NEXT TIME: To the Silver Screen