War Game

Story: Peak Performance
Written By: David Kemper
Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Year: 1989

This one starts off good but kind of disappoints. A slimy creepy little man is sent by Starfleet for a battle simulation in which Riker commands a weaker ship with limited capabilities, and Picard commands a fully functional Enterprise. That premise alone could have made for a brilliant episode…but the writer fucked that up.
Right in the middle of the simulation, when it is really fun and captivating…the Ferengi show up. Jeez…just what we all thought this episode needed. The Ferengi plot could have worked in a similar story…but it just disrupts the action and stops the story from going where it should have, and we don’t get to find out who would win the war game, Picard of Riker.

I think the writer was afraid of answering that question…afraid to make one look better than the other, or just completely unsure how to end his story…so he disrupted the whole damn thing with the Ferengi. Shame.

NEXT TIME: Riker could die unless we give him clips STAT!