
Story: The Omega Glory
Written By: Gene Roddenberry
Series: Star Trek: The Original Series
Year: 1968

Man, the Prime Directive is all up in this second season. This time the Enterprise discovers the Exeter, another starship, the whole crew dead. They discover that the disease that killed this whole crew has now infected the party who beamed aboard, their only chance is on the planet below. On the planet, they find Captain Tracey, who has lost his mind…
Discovering that the people on this planet live for a long ass time, Tracey decides he wants to live forever, and will do whatever it takes, break the prime directive, lie to the Enterprise, and break Federation laws. In short, he’s an asshole.

The episode is decent enough, but the hokeyness of the Americana religion the Yangs have is a little much.

NEXT TIME: Spin Off?