
Story: The Wounded
Written By: Jeri Taylor
Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Year: 1991

Every now and then, this show would create a fantastic race of people. The Cardassians are probably my favorite “you love to hate them” kind of guys. They are so fucking sinister. I don’t think they have an appearance I hate. Well TNG. I’m sure there is at least one bad episode they HAPPEN to be in DS9 or Voyager. But an episode can’t be bad if it is about them.
So there was this war. The federation had been in conflict with the Cardassians for years. But now the war is over, but some people are still affected. Captain Maxwell, a former Captain of Chief O’Brien is one of these men still affected. He lost his family in the war, and he hasn’t gotten over that.

It is a tremendous episode that touches on big issues, issues that would be a bigger presence in DS9. In fact I would say this episode is almost like a precursor to what DS9 became. Cardassians, O’Brien, the effect of war on people. It is a great episode, really well executed.

NEXT TIME: Fek'lhr