Party of Three

Story: Ménage à Troi
Written By: Fred Bronson & Susan Sackett
Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Year: 1990

Things were going so well this season. Suddenly this episode feels like it isn’t even like season two, but season one…
Riker, Troi, and her mother get kidnapped by the Ferengi, Lwaxana almost starts a relationship with the Ferengi Damon, Picard gets her to fall for him again by reciting Shakespeare. The Shakespeare scene is actually pretty funny. But that’s because of Stewart, and he isn’t in this one enough to make it worthwhile.

One nice little thing is that Wesley gets promoted from Acting Ensign, to Full Ensign. The reason is not that great, and the fact that he is doesn’t impress me or make me care at all…but it is nice that he just isn’t wearing his lame grey jumpsuit anymore.

NEXT TIME: The Next Stage