The Real Leah Brahms

Story: Galaxy’s Child
Written By: Maurice Hurley
Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Year: 1991

Geordi wanted to bang a holodeck version of Leah Brahms way back in “Booby Trap”. When the real Brahms is visiting the Enterprise, he gets a big hard-on for the real thing and has high hopes. Then he meets her and she is a lot colder then he hoped…and she is married, but the dude acts way to familiar with her, discretion is not his friend. Then she finds the holodeck program…YIPES.
The other story is about a giant space monster in space, that the Enterprise accidentally kills, and then has its space baby attached to the haul causing a bit of a crisis on the ship.

The two stories do not gel that well…I’m glad Geordi got an episode, but it just only sort of works. Still it coulda been worse!